Prosthetic hair care is not a procedure that will tire the user.

It is inevitable that prosthetic hair will be affected by external factors such as air, water and dust like our own hair. Just as we want to have healthy and beautiful hair, we need regular care. Prosthetic hair is the same. The only difference is that the installation and removal of prosthetic hair should be done by a professional. And since prosthetic hair is no longer rooted to your own and naturally growing, you need different care processes and products. While an graowing care product can be used for normal hair, it is certain that this product will not work at all for prosthetic hair. Because, no longer hair whose stem cells is not your and that will not grow, needs to be cared.

[porto_info_box icon_size=”28″ icon_border_radius=”500″ title=”Bakım” pos=”left” icon_color=”#0088cc” title_font_style=”700″ title_font_size=”16.8″]Some important points should be taken into consideration while care of prosthetic hair. The maintenance period and type of care may vary depending on the solutions used. Prosthesis re-attached by cleaning procedures, your hair shaving is renewed.

It is possible to extend the life of the Prosthesis hair with correct and regular maintenance.[/porto_info_box]

[porto_info_box icon_size=”28″ icon_border_radius=”500″ title=”breatⓗtec™” pos=”left” icon_color=”#0088cc” title_font_style=”700″ title_font_size=”16.8″]Thebreatⓗtec™ breatⓗtec ™ hair system is not noticeable, uncomfortable and unclear on your scalp. You can renew your self-confidence and continue your social life with this system that is developed by considering the comfort and satisfaction of our customers.[/porto_info_box]
[porto_info_box icon_size=”28″ icon_border_radius=”500″ title=”Uygulama” pos=”left” icon_color=”#0088cc” title_font_style=”700″ title_font_size=”16.8″]Prosthetic hair care is carried out by our experts in personalized rooms in our center. We would like to emphasize that we take the utmost care to your privacy.[/porto_info_box]

Persons who do not have time, who live outside the city or abroad can do care themselves with special training given by our experts.

Special products suitable for the nature of prosthetic hair are used in the maintenance processes. Therefore, hairs are not any damaged. In this process provides that matched the breatⓗtec™ hair system with your own hair. The hair that grows is shaved and dyed if it needs. It is combed according to the customer’s preference, the blow dryer is taken and provided the desired appearance which the person’s want.

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