Female pattern hair loss or androgenetic alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss in women and is generally more common than expected. Hair loss is seen in 25% of women aged 35-40 years and in 50% of women over 40 years of age. 20% of women who have lost their hair have a positive family history. In the genetic type of hair loss, the woman may have inherited the genes from her father or the mother. The aromatase enzyme and 5 alpha reductase enzymes play an important role in these genetic spills.
The 5 alpha reductase enzyme, which is the number one responsible for the loss in men, is found in smaller amounts in women. Aromatase enzyme is involved in the production of female hormones estron and estradiol and it reduces the amount of DHT. . Because of the aromatase enzyme activity, there is no shedding in the anterior hair line in women differently from men.